Location Status Compute Availability Notifications
city - Netherlands
Amsterdam - Netherlands
Ok High
city - United States
Atlanta - United States
Ok High
city - India
Bangalore - India
Ok High
city - United States
Chicago - United States
Ok High
city - United States
Dallas - United States
Ok High
city - India
Delhi NCR - India
Ok High
city - Germany
Frankfurt - Germany
Ok High
city - United States
Honolulu - United States
Ok High
city - South Africa
Johannesburg - South Africa
Ok High
city - United Kingdom
London - United Kingdom
Ok High
city - United States
Los Angeles - United States
Ok High
city - Spain
Madrid - Spain
Ok High
city - United Kingdom
Manchester - United Kingdom
Ok High
city - Australia
Melbourne - Australia
Ok High
city - Mexico
Mexico City - Mexico
Ok High
city - United States
Miami - United States
Ok High
city - India
Mumbai - India
Ok High
city - United States
New Jersey - United States
Ok High
city - Japan
Osaka - Japan
Ok High
city - France
Paris - France
Ok High
city - Chile
Santiago - Chile
Ok High
city - Brazil
São Paulo - Brazil
Ok High
city - United States
Seattle - United States
Ok High
city - Korea, Republic of
Seoul - Korea, Republic of
Ok High
city - United States
Silicon Valley - United States
Ok High
city - Singapore
Singapore - Singapore
Ok High
city - Sweden
Stockholm - Sweden
Ok High
city - Australia
Sydney - Australia
Ok High
city - Israel
Tel Aviv - Israel
Ok High
city - Japan
Tokyo - Japan
Ok High
city - Canada
Toronto - Canada
Ok High
city - Poland
Warsaw - Poland
Ok High

Vultr provides real-time server status in JSON format via two endpoints. Read more about the JSON status endpoints on Vultr Docs.

The status.json endpoint displays a summary of all regions. This endpoint includes all current outages, alerts, and upcoming scheduled maintenance.

Example Response
	service_alerts: [],
			location: "Atlanta",
			country: "US",
			country_name: "United States",
			alerts: [
				id: "6ac43839-fcd5-444e-ad5c-4f2d72a37c95",
				subject: "Atlanta Scheduled Maintenance - 2020-11-10",
				status: "ongoing",
				start_date: "2020-11-02T16:07:00+00:00",
				updated_at: "",
				entries: [
					updated_at: "2020-11-02T16:07:00+00:00",
					message: "Event Type: Network Upgrade We are performing system changes in the Atlanta location."
			location: "Chicago",
			country: "US",
			country_name: "United States",
			alerts: []

The alerts.json endpoint displays an alert stream with new alerts added to the beginning of the list.

Example Response
	service_alerts: [
			id: "6ac43839-fcd5-444e-ad5c-4f2d72a37c95",
			region: "atl",
			subject: "Atlanta Scheduled Maintenance - 2020-11-10",
			start_date: "2020-11-02T16:07:00+00:00",
			updated_at: "",
			status: "ongoing",
			entries: [
					updated_at: "2020-11-02T16:07:00+00:00",
					message: "Event Type: Network Upgrade We are performing system changes in the Atlanta location during the following scheduled maintenance window. Start Time: 2020-11-10 11:00:00 UTC End Time: 2020-11-10 15:00:00 UTC"